Thursday, October 2, 2014

The village ambulance: How its advent is changing rural Uganda

The ambulance bike fills the gap
In Summary:If you suddenly find yourself in labour pain, in a deeply rural area in Uganda, chancesare,
if that birth has complications, you and the baby might not survive. Health centres are too far for many 
That is why the village ambulance has been a godsend for many women and communities in general.
Bundibugyo, Uganda.
The idea of the village ambulance in Uganda is one that was born from unusual 
circumstances. At the age of seven, tragedy visited Christopher Ategeka's home in 
Kagote, Kabarole District. He helplessly looked on as both his father and mother 
succumbed to the HIV/Aids epidemic, leaving him to fend for his four siblings. (FS)

Within a year of his parents passing, his brother, too, died of unknown causes while 
being taken to the hospital. When all hope seemed to be lost, Carol Adams, an American, 
through her locally based organisation, Youth Encouragement Services (YES) that caters 
for needy children, took on his guardianship. Adams saw Ategeka through his primary and 
secondary education.
She recalls how during his primary school, he would walk from his grandmother's place in 
Kagote to school. "We got him a bicycle to help, but even that was not enough. We had 
to get him to stay at his grandfather's place in Fort Portal Town where he was closer to 
school," says Adams.
After secondary school, Adams used her connections to get Ategeka a foster family 
in the United States during which time he pursued a Master's Degree at the University 
of California.
Upon his return to Uganda in 2011, Ategeka recounts how recollections from his 
past fostered the notion that low-cost transportation would not only improve livelihoods 
but also save lives. "I used to walk miles to Ruteete, a rural school I went to. That 
bicycle that I got from Carol Adams' orphanage changed everything from walking 
miles to riding in minutes to reach school," he says.
"When I started CA bikes, a non-profit organisation, we began by making bicycles 
and wheelchairs, and I felt more needed to be done." He explains how he used the 
knowledge he had acquired and came up with the idea of a bicycle ambulance. 
"The design, however, was a challenge. We came up with about 12 designs until 
we figured out something that would work," Ategeka says.
The design he picked on was one inspired by Darly Funk, a 59-year-old American 
inventor of the village ambulance, which at the time was being manufactured in 
Zambia and distributed to more than five different countries in Africa.
So using locally sourced parts and scraps of metal and a small team of skilled 
craftsmen, Ategeka and his team started to assemble the ambulance and distribute 
it out of the district. "Within three years, we have distributed 120 ambulances that 
now serve more than 10,000 people in communities nationwide," he says.
However, this was not the first time for the village ambulance to be applied in 
Africa as a transport solution bridging patients in rural areas to health care centres. 
It all began in 2007 in Zambia with an organisation called Zambikes, offering 
unique transportation solutions in Africa.
"Currently, the village ambulance is being applied in 29 districts in regions 
all over the country and we have distributed 177 ambulances," says Jared White, 
the operations director Pulse, an ambulance bike firm.
Delivery of services such as palliative care, whose access in the country as per 
2011 World Health Organisation statistics was at a 10 per cent low, have also been 
improved by the advent of the village ambulance.
"I was very excited when I first used the ambulance because for so long I was stuck 
at home ill and couldn't reach the health centre for treatment, but that ambulance 
changed that. It has helped me to move conveniently," narrates one beneficiary, 
Annet Rukundo, a 33-year-old lady from Kyangwali refugee settlement in western 
Today, Ategeka believes that improving the healthcare system in the country heavily 
depends on the innovation and reveals his organisation CA Bikes is in the process 
of propping up new ones. "We are now taking on the mobile clinic. It will be the 
next innovation we roll out," he says.(SUNDAY MONITOR)

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